Descendant of Desert

Group Members

Liuliu Zhu, Shiyuan Tian, Xiaoyan Zhou


Michael Ang


Physical Computing

Created with

CircuitPython, Adafruit


November, 2022

“Descendant of Desert” is a specultative wearable device that intends to help humans survive under extreme conditions in deserts. It speculates a future where the earth’s environment has come to the extreme and we human beings have to implement technical means to adapt to the desert-like future environment.

We aim to present a new human biomorph that enables us to survive in the desert without taking refuge from the physical dependencies, like the house or tent we usually depend on for a living. Desert animals such as scorpions’ adaptations and accommodations to the barren and fervent environment are taken as references of how we think humans should take their step of evolution. We want to provoke our audience to think about the possible ways of human evolution and what the deterioration of the natural environment will bring to humankind.

Research & Design

The project uses CircuitPython and Adafruit electronic devices to achieve three major components: flutuating neon-pixel light strip that opens at night, laser-cut dissipation fins that flap based on the user’s intensity of motion (enabled by servo motors and accelerometer), and a thermoregulation mechanism that tightens that strip on the user’s body to force the user to bend when the light intensity exceeds certain threshold (enabled by DC motors and light sensors).

Installation in the Desert – Sweihan Desert, Abu Dhabi
Exhibition on Fall 2022 IM Show @NYU Abu Dhabi